
here to help and encourage students sensing a
call to ministry

Work worship

By Leighton Flowers

As Christians we must avoid any task that takes our minds off of Jesus. Too many become worshippers of their work rather than true worshippers of God. This is a form of idolatry. This is especially tempting for those whose work is Christian ministry. It is far too easy to rationalize our work in ministry as being worthy of our full attention and worship. This is a recipe for burn-out or something far worse.

Our efforts to serve the Lord must not become a substitute for our pursuit of knowing the Lord. What is the difference? One focuses on accomplishing tasks and the other focuses on knowing and loving a Person. When the latter is our primary focus the rest of our efforts seem to fall into their right places. Seek God first and He will add to you the blessings of a fruitful. fulfilling and long-lasting ministry.