
here to help and encourage students sensing a
call to ministry

Why I may decide to say no to God

"I believe I know what is best for me." This may be at the heart of our resistance - expressed in ten words or less. Instead of viewing ourselves as the creation and God as the creator and the one who knows us best, we try to be our own god. We place our knowledge of our well-being above His knowledge of us.

"I think God may not really have my best interests at heart." We think we may miss out on something good by allowing Him this type of control. (The God who gave everything He had in order to restore fellowship with us isn't looking out for us?) When we honestly face our feelings here, the error of our thinking becomes obvious.

"God may ask me to do something I don't want to do." There is an element of truth in this statement, for we may not initially want to do what we sense God requires of us.

"What I give to God may be taken away from me completely." Can we not trust God to use wisely what we give to Him? Is it possible to give Him something we need and for Him to refuse to return it to us for our use? This fear is another example of reasoning that is in direct opposition to Scripture.

"He may ask me to do something I am physically or emotionally unable to do." This statement is an impossibility in God's economy. It will never happen. We may not have the strength on our own, but God will give us what we need to accomplish His will.

"He may alter the goals I have set for my life and that of my family." Quite frankly, many of us can count on this one to be true! Our goals and desires before yielding to Christ's call may prove to be inadequate as we follow Him. We must listen carefully as He reveals His plan for our lives, trusting it to be the best.

Adapted from The J Files: Follow Christ's Example, Miller and Brinkley, Convention Press: 1997